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Why I Paint

A college art professor once told me I had a choice: I could attempt to make a living as an artist, or I could make a living and buy art. The latter seemed less intimidating.


So after briefly working in an art gallery I built a career in marketing strategy and then freelance consulting while working at home with my three daughters. Even though this work occupied the majority of my time, and furnished some paintings to hang on my walls, I always sought a creative outlet. Sometimes it was gardening, or cooking, home design, or sewing or knitting. There were elaborate parties. There was even blogging. And occasionally, I dabbled in art. At the end of 2019 however, I decided to make a commitment to what I have always felt was the ultimate, and most lasting form of visual expression—painting. Even though it feels difficult every time I walk into the studio.


While I focused on the figure and portraiture in college, I have a great love for Utah landscapes. And the subject matter is so available! I constantly take pictures on road trips and hikes to gather references for painting. My backyard mountain, Mount Olympus, provides year-round inspiration. While most of my painting takes place in my Millcreek home studio, I love opportunities to paint plein air, taking advantage of nearby painting workshops and competitions, and occasionally I beg a pause on family trips for a quick landscape study.

I hope this approach results in paintings that evoke in you that same sense of awe and renewal I experience when I am outdoors in these beautiful places.


Past Shows & Recognition



135 Fine Art Show, November 11

37th Annual Spiritual and Religious Art of Utah, October 2023 - January 2024

     "Off-Center Faith"

Art at the Park, September 2023

Summer 135 Fine Art Show, June 2023

Springville Art Museum 99th Annual Spring Salon

    "Towers of the Virgin" & "Mount Olympus Skyline View"

CNS Art & Soup, March 2023

Holladay Arts Fine Art Exhibition, March 2023

Holladay Arts Tiny Art Show, February 2023


Fall 135 Fine Art Show, November 2022

Art at the Park, September 2022

Plein Air Holladay, Honorable Mention October 2022

     "Knudsen Park View"

Two-Person Show, Milcreek Library, April 2022


A creative type at heart, Anneliese Warnick Shapiro engaged in any number of personal projects afterhours while producing beautifully crafted branding and messaging strategies at her day job for more than 25 years. She has worked for numerous clients from local businesses to global 500 companies, such as Microsoft and Intel. Prior to engaging with clients as an independent consultant she was employed by leading communications firms including Dahlin Smith White and Boede & Partners, most recently serving as Senior Vice President, Director of Strategic Planning for McCann Erickson.


Anneliese earned a B.A. with Honors in English and Studio Art from Wellesley College in 1992.

Anneliese credits her parents and the incredible visual arts community and history in Utah with providing opportunities for her to appreciate, study and practice painting. While a student in Utah she benefitted from numerous artists as teachers in public schools and private workshops including Marjorie McClure and Connie Borup, her high school art teachers. She attended a Utah Summer arts program where she studied with Randall Lake and visited with Ella Peacock, Lee Udall Bennion, Dennis Smith and Gary Smith. Anneliese received recognition in the Springville Museum High School Art Exihibit, Granite District High School Art Show, and was the Art Sterling Scholar for the State of Utah. After completing her undergraduate degree Anneliese was fortunate to work for Dolores Chase Fine Art as Assistant Director where she collaborated with other galleries and local arts organizations in Salt Lake City and promoted the work of contemporary Utah artists including Brian Kershisnik, Layne Meacham, Edie Roberson, and Lee Deffebach. Utah artists are Anneliese's heroes and she continues to be inspired by the work of established and emerging artists--many of whose works she is fortunate to hang on her walls.

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